How Fleckvieh Crossbreeding, Absorbtion Crossing and Three Way Crossing can assist your farms productivity
Fleckvieh is a dual purpose breed can assist your dairy farm’s productivity and fertility with crossbreeding, absorption crossing and three way crossing. Dairy Breeding Management Dairy cattle breeding management is in a situation of radical change and reorientation. The drive for profitability in the dairy business by making cows with a...
10 Benefits of Fleckvieh
#1. Flat lactation curves. The benefit here is that the stress on the udder is less. This adds to longevity since the udder does not become subject to damage from the high volume of milk produced in the early lactation. Early spikes in milk production and then a drop...
Why Fleckvieh bull calves can become more than a by-product
Excerpt of Fleckvieh world – and experiences: For Fleckvieh farmers in Bavaria it is the most normal thing on earth to produce quality beef via slaughter cull cows or bull calves out of dairy farms. Holstein farmers who focus on milk production only and who regard bull...
Animal Welfare And Productive Farming
Animal welfare in Dairy Farming is described as the general health and physiological animal function parameters being in good order. For example a lactating dairy cow may exhibit normal respiratory rates normal heart rate and temperature. In scientific quantifiable terms, this animal is therefore doing well. However the affective...
How To Lower Your Dairy Herd`s Somatic Cell Counts
One of the great benefits of crossbreeding and absorption crossing with Fleckvieh Genetics, is reduced somatic cell counts in milk production. Positive changes can be made with crossbreeding to reduce the impact of elevated somatic cell counts. Less Cases of Clinical Mastitis Reduction in somatic cell counts will lead...
How Fleckvieh increases fertility in crossbreeding
Since the establishment of the Fleckvieh breeding 1830, careful selection for individual traits has been promoted and enhanced. For 60 years, the agricultural ministry of the state Bavaria has created some key criteria that have to be met in order to qualify as a proven sire in any of...
Most common dairy breeds
These Fleckvieh dual purpose cross cows are going outside through the barn alley way. These are one of the highest milk producing cows in the world, and that is why Fleckvieh is becoming one of the most common dairy breeds in the world....
Grazing Fleckvieh & Holstein in northern Germany
Holstein is one of the most popular breeds of dairy cattle – and crossing with Fleckvieh is becoming the most common dairy breeds. The young stock is showing lots of muscle mass and future production can be seen in this video. You can see a grouping of crossbred Holstein...
Fleckvieh Dairy Cows In Canada
Fleckvieh Dairy Cows in Canada were first introduced by Big Bear Genetics. Dairy ranching with Fleckvieh beef cattle – Interesting information about the Fleckvieh cattle breed. Better Dairy Cow offers Fleckvieh Bull Semen for improved Dairy Herd Performance. If you are looking for the same success as case studies...