Bayern Genetik Fleckvieh sire choices for 2022/2023 – sire catalogue
You can see what is on offer as far as Fleckvieh sires. There are more and more polled genetics coming out. There are other sires on inventory which can be discussed based on interest. A spreadsheet shows the generalities of the Bayern Genetik sires – also see the individual...
Herd health parameters – Canadian Holstein peripartum disease data and how health goals are important in the dairy world – PREVENTION of disease and more with Smaxtec bolus
Health disorder data in Holstein dairy cows from Canadian Veterinary Journal article in 2021 The most critical period in the dairy cow`s life as far as potentially suffering postpartum detrimental conditions is within three weeks of the birth of the calf. In summery – it has been very much...
How to make the most of your calves and their future milking career
As always regardless of what dairy breed you use or dual purpose the foundation is the same for all, however the foundation of strength of Fleckvieh and Fleckvieh cross calves will give you a jump start. Have a look at these well described calf-hood health pillars. Published by Dr....
Annual Fleckvieh World publication 2022 – 2023
Have a close look at these working Fleckvieh dual purpose cattle. The farming industry as a whole is using these cows to improve efficiency by being able to use high yielding beef and top milk production in one BREED....
Robotic milking/milking machine analysis and Fleckvieh udder conformation
Let us not forget mother nature in our modern dairy farms! The nursing on the cow needs to be duplicated to cause hormonal mechanisms to cause milk let down and the teat and teat ends are protected as though a calf was nursing. As there are more and more...
Shorter dry period puts more milk in the tank and reduces work load – Fleckvieh observations and formal research review
New Research Suggests Shorter Dry Periods Puts More Milk in the Tank (OMAFRA) A European Fleckvieh farm impresses with short inter calving periods and rebreeding on first heats. I have been impressed in many European dairy farms that are breeding with Fleckvieh exclusively , the high components in the...
Fleckvieh World magazine 2021 – 2022
Get the latest on our sires and news updates from around the globe. The feed efficiency, ability to use sexed semen also makes the sires choices ideal for a multitude of farming practices – organic farms, crossbreeding practices and feedlot use for bull calves for example!...
Fleckvieh sire selection and daughters
These videos show very well proportioned and productive daughters of BFG Meru. The most important attributes to pursue in the modern dairy industry is a cow with a good feet and legs and healthy udder. Mating choices are best made with sires that build on these two characterisitcs in...
Alternate method of pasteurizing milk
With today`s global market place, longer shelf life and healthy milk contributes to human health benefits; Among other benefits – Fleckvieh A2 milk for example – is gaining more and more popularity. Hopefully more nutritional value can be preserved in the future with this technique stemming from Australia all...
Fleckvieh history from Bayerngenetik – how did the genetic selection over time result in the modern dual purpose cow?