Fleckvieh x Holstein profits farms
INTERNET RESOURCES: Check below regarding the benefits of using Fleckvieh – more info at www.betterdairycow.com and www.bigbeargenetics.com WHY FLECKVIEH GENETICS? Better feet and legs and flat lactation curves. Healthier cows, improved reproductive performance, faster growth rates as a result of better feed conversion. Lower somatic cell counts, stronger calving...
Genetic interpretation in the terms of Holstein USA
Exciting dissection of the exact way you can interpret genetic information on sires of various breeds but in particular Holstein. You will find this a great guide for each and any breed or breeds you are working with. Of particular interest is the fact, that Fleckvieh has the lowest...
New annual Fleckvieh World 2020-2021
Economics of dairy and beef farming
Wisconsin dairy farm tells all about their Fleckvieh genetics history
Beef breeds as breeding tool – Why not use Dual purpose genetics and still have the power to select what offspring you want?
Have a read of this article – it brings to mind the splendid use of Dual purpose genetics for the added value versatility to the dairy farmer aka Fleckvieh! WHY and HOW? Obviously the use of beef genetics by using embryos is not the same as crossbreeding. The case...
Foot bath technology worth looking at: hoof count.com – see videos and info below
Many farms use foot baths and struggle with maintaining it such that each cow has a decent bath and is effective over the long haul. Lameness is a serious issue – cow body condition plays a significant part in arming the cow against lameness – see a scientific publication...
Cheese production using Fleckvieh and breed comparison
aAa mating principles as an aid in breeding decisions and sire selection
https://aaaweeks.com/analyzer/peter-frei/ balance with aAa analysis From: Progressive Dairyman Intern Michael Cox Published on 24 August 2015 Everything in life is a balance; even too much of a good thing can be bad. When breeding cows, farmers often tip the balance in favor of high yields and components, but a...